Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Two Seasons

hangs heavy on a thread
buzzing with a bright cicada song
it wraps its soft and dusty arms
around the air
and falls head long

Tuesday Morning

minty teeth and the rush of a comb brushed through and back pack swung back for a swing round clatter down out door slam. stride down rain slicked slap flat puddle pooled road, cars packed cold close with pollen crusts dripping down now. air shines silver like a sheet dime, bird songs break sharp, spin loud, fly by. check clock, bit close, look back, see bus, run thump and quick for lumbering bus rolling heavy puffing up. doors wheeze wide, exhaled sigh, climb through into thrumming warm inside. on time!

Short Ode To Smoothie King

I pause at your door, briefly
Before swinging in to the sweet
And thickly scented air, banana
Mingled with muscle milk,
Vanilla protein, papaya, and whey, a
Veritable jackpot of fruit syrups and
Processed powders at my nostrils,
Enveloping me, like the wafting golden oldie
And the lavender lime green of your walls
Stocked, extolling the wonders of
The goji berry, prostate tea, and colon cleansers.

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